Our next journey begins 1.22.24!

enrollment is open 11.24-11.27 for Bright Friday with $500 off enrollment avail with code PERMISSIONG24 and then closed until January and only available at full price!

An 8-week journey guiding you towards the operating system aligned with your authenticity, prosperity, creativity & confidence.

Want an epic life? Permission Granted…

Let us begin.

Your time is NOW!

if you choose to say yes to your time being now.

Imagine What It Would Be Like…

What would it be like to finally travel & move about freely as you please that you’ve been dreaming of for years?

Imagine feeling bold and confident in asking for that raise you know you deserve.

Feel into finally stepping into the recording studio or on the stage full of courage and excitement.

See yourself completing that book you can feel is begging to be poured out of you.

Tap into the sensation of being able to spend and save money freely .

Let the feeling of prosperity flowing to you and through permeate your being.

How does it feel to imagine setting boundaries powerfully and seeing your relationships of all sorts thrive?

Witness the version of yourself that is fully tapped into and liberated within their sensual and sexual expression.

How does it feel to tap into what’s ready to be unleashed and lived out daily?

Permission to have it all darling… and I’m here to help you get rid of the subconscious blocks, old patterns, and important energetic & spiritual know-hows to make this your reality.

I’m not here to sell you… I’m here to serve you. This has been successful time and time again… if you’re ready to show up, I’m ready to help you get to where you want to go.

Together we thrive. Let’s get it.



  • Getting to know your fellow journey partners

    Speaking our intentions for the journey

    Opening the energetic container for protection, guidance, and amplification of the journey

  • Meditation & additional tools of how to listen deeply

    Guided practice of connecting & cocreating with your higher self

    Beginning to get clear on what is your unique Truth, and growing confident in owning it

    Exploring the power of our thoughts and words, and how to become a powerful creator and communicate

  • Learning how the subconscious mind works

    Shining light on the programs and beliefs currently running

    Beginning to rewire the programs that are blocking the blessings

  • Exploring and changing your relationship with money

    Cultivating connections with pros

    Practices and guidance to work with the shadows and wounds around money, abundance, and prosperity

    Rewriting your story around worth, money, abundance, and prosperity

  • Learning to lean into and love all aspects of self

    Actively learn how to overcome fear and utilize it to level up

    Allowing the metamorphosis be witnessed and treated with kindness and support

  • Creating your new standards and non-negotiables with Spirit

    Declaring your true Self, trajectory, and commitments

    Teachings on pleasure and pleasure thresholds

  • Explore auric activations, clearings, shields, and boundaries to be able to sustain and optimize this new energetic expression

    Learn how to remain grounded and receive several tools and techniques

    Live-time discussion and q&a around energy work, energetics, and spiritual enhancement

  • Reflection and celebration of the journey you have been on

    Roadmap and set you up for success to sustain the growth

    Discuss integration and how to continue to thrive beyond the container

    Close the container with a proper prayer and ceremonial closing

The moment we remember only we can grant the permission to our truest desires, is the moment our greatest life begins.

— Kelly Keefe

The Container:

But wait! There’s more!

+ Receive a private 1:1 Session With Kelly

+ A copy of TWO of Kelly’s eBooks 

+ Discounted rates on additional 1:1 sessions Kelly during the program

+ Special offers and discounts to The Heartspace Store

We laugh and have a lot of fun in this container… if you don’t enjoy laughter, fun, and humor… we truly wont be a good match for one another.

Single Payment

Make one single payment of $2,000

4 Payments

Make 4 payments of $550

6 Payments

Make 6 Payments of $385


It Takes A Village…

In order to be able to hold and support you to the max from start to finish, beyond grateful to say the team has grown and many incredible, powerful women help us in making The Heartspace magic happen. This round of Permission Granted, you’ll be led by Kelly and receive support in onboarding, communications, and operations by Sam.

  • Permission Granted Facilitator & Guide ; Founder, The Heartspace

  • Operations & Communications Guru

    Spending nearly a decade in NYC running graphic design companies and nightclubs, Sam decided to take a step away from the bright lights to reconnect to her own Heartspace. During that journey Sam was connected with Kelly Keefe and so began the expansion of the Heartspace mission. Sams specialities include but are not limited to: organization, team building, systems, planning and humor.

    Sam spends her free time juicing, holding detox containers, studying the metaphysical, learning how to garden and hula hooping.

Listen…it’s your life. Your rules.

I’m extremely passionate about this work because it is said that for every one empowered person (especially women) that directly affects at least ten more people around them for the better. This program and these tools WORK. One thing I tell anyone who has embarked on a group journey with me is that I know why it is so powerful and the results are remarkable is because it is not me, but God/Spirit/Universe truly running the show. I’m simply the vessel, the bridge if you will to support in your intentions being fulfilled.

My team had to support me in remembering all this communication and outlining is important - if I didn’t have the people around me to support and guide… I would have gone the route I initially wanted to which was just make a video being like “point blank… if you want to change your life for the better… sign up, show up, do the work, and enjoy the results. This works - not much more to tell you LOL. But there is a lot more… I’m simply passionate and KNOW this will truly support anyone who allows themselves to say yes to themselves.

Our current reality is the result of every choice we have made up to this present moment. A reminder, your life can look radically different with one decision. Permission to make a choice to invest in yourself, put the excuses down, get your investment back tenfold in value, and allow yourself to live a happier, healthier, and more aligned life.

I celebrate and support any choice you make, as long as it comes from your heart and it is your Truth.

Please don’t hesitate to book a call with me if you’re not sure, on the edge, or perhaps want to say yes but can already hear the fear and ego trying to talk you out of it(this is VERY common when you’re about to change your life).

With appreciation for all that you are,


Week 1 [January 22nd]: Opening Ceremony & Intention Setting

  • Getting to know your fellow journey partners

  • Speaking our intentions for the journey

  • Opening the energetic container for protection, guidance, and amplification of the journey

Week 2 [January 29th]: Communication, Connection, & Clarity

  • Meditation & additional tools of how to listen deeply

  • Guided practice of connecting & cocreating with your higher self

  • Beginning to get clear on what is your unique Truth, and growing confident in owning it

  • Exploring the power of our thoughts and words, and how to become a powerful creator and communicate

Week 3 [February 5th]: Getting Acquainted With The Subconscious Mind

  • Learning how the subconscious mind works

  • Shining light on the programs and beliefs currently running

  • Beginning to rewire the programs that are blocking the blessings

Week 4 [February 12th]: Opening The Prosperity Portal

  • Exploring and changing your relationship with money

  • Cultivating connections with pros

    Practices and guidance to work with the shadows and wounds around money, abundance, and prosperity

  • Rewriting your story around worth, money, abundance, and prosperity

Week 5 [February 19th]: Dancing With The Shadow

  • Learning to lean into and love all aspects of self

  • Actively learn how to overcome fear and utilize it to level up

  • Allowing the metamorphosis be witnessed and treated with kindness and support

Week 7 [March 4th]: Deep Dive On Energetics

  • Explore auric activations, clearings, shields, and boundaries to be able to sustain and optimize this new energetic expression

  • Learn how to remain grounded and receive several tools and techniques

  • Live-time discussion and q&a around energy work, energetics, and spiritual enhancement

Week 6 [February 26th]: Anchoring In The New Reality

  • Creating your new standards and non-negotiables with Spirit

  • Declaring your true Self, trajectory, and commitments

  • Teachings on pleasure and pleasure thresholds

Week 8 [March 11th]: Closing Ceremony

  • Reflection and celebration of the journey you have been on

  • Roadmap and set you up for success to sustain the growth

  • Discuss integration and how to continue to thrive beyond the container

  • Close the container with a proper prayer and ceremonial closing